Rajendra University, Balangir
The Registrar reserves the right to exercise his discretion in all matters relating to all students’ bodies dealt with in this constitution. In the matter of interpretation of rules contained herein, the Registrar’s ruling shall be final and binding.
As per the bye-law 14 A (iii) of this University there shall be a nominated students’ body known as the Students’ Council of Rajendra University, Balangir to look after the students’ activities which will promote their academic, cultural as well as the games and sports and extracurricular interests. The Executive Committee of the University in its meeting held on 16-04-2003 decided that the Students’ Council be operative with effect from the academic session 2003-04. The Principal is the President of the Students’ Council; and he will nominate a Vice-Presidents and a few Associate Vice- President from among members of the teaching staff.
Composition of the Students’ Council :
Besides its President and Vice- President, the Students’ Council shall comprise bonafide student members from different classes of the University. One student from each undergraduate department (Subject) and two students from each Post-Graduate department (one from the undergraduate class, and another from Post-Graduate class) shall be nominated as members of the Students’ Council.
Application for membership of Students’ Council :
An Advisory Committee constituted by the Registrar (See 6 below for more details) shall conduct the selection and nomination of the student members of the council. Students of different classes seeking membership of the council shall submit these application to the Heads of the Department concerned who is turn shall submit these applications to the Advisory Committee on a date to be notified by the University. These application shall be made in a Prescribed Performa to be had from the University office. 50% class attendance as on the date of application is mandatory for all applicants for membership of the Students’ Council. The applicants shall furnish without fail attested copies of their mark sheets and certificates in respect of the last qualifying examination. They shall also furnish documentary evidence, if any, in support of their excellence, academic or extra academic. They may, for instance, furnish copies of certificates of merit issued in their favour of recognized institutions or public bodies of repute, and testifying to their academic excellence, quality of purposeful leadership, and outstanding extra-curricular activities such as NCC, NSS, Red Cross, games and sports, debate, essay writing, dance, drama, music, painting etc.
After receipt of applications from intending students the Advisory Committee shall select and nominate students (as per 1.1 above) and submit a list of their names to the Registrar who will then notify these names, declaring the students as members of the Students’ Council, Rajendra University Balangir for the session concerned.
If the situation so warrants, however, the Registrar may make recommendation to the Executive Committee of the University to withhold formation of the Students’ Council for a particular session.
Election to the constituent Association :
The Students’ Council shall have the following constituent associations.
Cultural Association.
Dramatic Association
Athletic Association
After constitution of the Students’ Council its student members shall elect from among themselves office bearers of the aforementioned associations.
Election and Election Procedure :
Election shall be held for the offices of Secretary and Assistant Secretary for each of these association as per procedures mentioned in clauses (from a to e) specified hereunder.
The intending student members of the Students’ Council shall be nominated for different offices mentioned in 3 above. They shall file their nominations on a date notified by the Registrar in Prescribed Proforma to be had from the University office. No student shall contest for more than one office.
Members of the Students’ Council belonging to IInd Year Post-graduate classes and IIIrd Year Undergraduate classes shall not file nominations for the offices of Assistant Secretaries. If no nominations are filed for any office, if shall remain vacant for the session concerned. The date of the election shall be decided by the Registrar and notified by him soon after receipt of nominations.
For purposes of election to each the procedure of secret ballot shall be adopted only if more than one nomination are filed and accepted for the office concerned. Each member of the students’ Council shall cast only one vote for an office by suitably marking the ballot paper as per instruction notified by the Registrar. The voters shall put their marked ballot papers in the ballot box provided for the purpose. The Advisory Committee shall conduct the voting.
The Advisory Committee shall also conduct counting of votes in the presence of its members soon after the casting of votes.
After counting, the results of the election shall be notified by the Registrar. In no circumstances will there be recounting of votes, and no appeal or complaint in this regard shall be entertained. In the case of tie in the number of votes in respect of two or more candidates for a particular office, lot in the presence of the members of the Advisory Committee shall decide the results.
Tenure of Office :
The tenure of office bearers of the constituent associations is limited to the academic session concerned. For all purposes these office bearers shall cease to function on the day the University closes for summer vacation. Ordinarily, all activities and functions of the Students Council and its constituent association shall be completed by the last day of February of the session concerned. In extraordinary situations the Registrar may defer and function beyond the stipulated date, but not later than the day the University closes for summer vacation.
Functions of the Students’ Council :
The Council shall strive to achieve its objectives by encouraging and promoting the students interests in academic, cultural and physical fields, and also by highlighting their talent in these areas. the Council shall achieve its objectives by monitoring activities and functions of its constituents associations.
The Council shall also prepare and pass budget of its constituent associations and shall also approve and audit the expenditures incurred by the associations.
All meetings of the Students’ Council in connection with the aforesaid functions and other matters, if any, shall be convened by the Registrar on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee. These meetings shall be presided over by the Registrar himself or his delegate.